EV Specialists

In the future we will all need EV charging points at our homes. Here at Blocktech we have taken the time to look at the different avenues available to make charging points secure and look as good and un-obtrusive as possible.

Contact us for a free no obligation survey, to see what type of charger is best suited to you or to design a bespoke tailor-made housing unit for the charger.

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EV information:

Electric vehicle (EV) is the umbrella term for any vehicle that is powered, in part or in full by a battery that can be directly plugged into mains electricity. In short, any vehicle that can be plugged in including pure-electric, plug-in hybrid and extended-range electric vehicles, these aren’t to be confused with Hybrid’s.

Pure-Electric Vehicle (Pure-EV) – A vehicle powered solely by a battery charged from mains electricity. Currently, typical pure-electric cars have a range of approximately 100 miles but are improving all the time.

Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) - A vehicle with a plug-in battery and an internal combustion engine (ICE). Typical PHEVs will have a pure-electric range of over 10 miles. After the pure-electric range is utilised, the vehicle reverts to the benefits of full hybrid capability (utilising both battery power and ICE) without range compromise.

Extended-Range Electric Vehicle (E-REV) – A vehicle powered by a battery with an ICE powered generator on board. E-REV’s are like pure-EV’s but with a shorter battery range. The range is extended by an on board generator providing many additional miles of power. With an E-REV the vehicle is still always electrically driven as the generator directly charges the battery.

Hybrid – A hybrid vehicle is powered by, either or both, a battery and an ICE. The power source is selected automatically by the vehicle, depending on speed, engine load and battery charge level. This battery cannot be plugged in; charge is maintained by regenerative braking supplemented by ICE generated power. A number of fuels can power hybrid ICE’s, including petrol, diesel, Compressed Natural Gas, Liquid Petroleum Gas and other alternative fuels.